Crafting Tomorrow’s Experience

Hello :-)
I’m Fadi Kassab, a Montreal-based graphic designer. I excel at blending tradition with innovation, driven by a deep passion for typography. My journey is defined by creative exploration and continuous growth.

Junctura Grotesk Thumbnail Junctura Grotesk Hover Thumbnail
Junctura Grotesk —
© 2024
→ Typeface design
Applied Arts – 2024
Takreem Thumbnail Takreem Thumbnail
Takreem —
© 2022–24
→ Branding / Campaign
Takreem Thumbnail Takreem Thumbnail
Lebanese Film Festival in Canada —
© 2023
→ Campaign
Lebanese Film Festival in Canada Thumbnail Cash my words
Cash my words —
© 2018
→ Publication Design
ISTD – 2018
Marooned guitar cover Marooned guitar cover
Jamais Vu —
© 2018
→ Motion Design
Dérapage – 2018
Mellicsarts Mellicsarts
MU Montréal —
© 2016
→ Publication Design
More Projects